Easy Office-Based Team Building Ideas #12 – Christmas Edition!

With only a few weeks to go until Santa comes, we’re rounding up our favourite Christmas-themed Easy Office-Based Team Building Ideas to get you in the festive spirit and carry your team through the last few weeks of the year.

Easy Office Based Teams Building Ideas Christmas Edition

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Easy Office-Based Team Building Ideas #11

Last time on Easy Office-Based Team Building Ideas, we looked at fitting your team building into packed schedules by utilising your lunch hour. But there’s another way to strengthen bonds and boost motivation without taking up masses of precious work time, by using a technique we call the Long-Term Team Build.

The Long Term Team Build

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Easy Office-Based Team Building Ideas #10

At CCC Events, we’re big advocates of the benefits of regularly coming together as a team away from the stresses of everyday working life. The advantages of taking off your ‘work hats’ for a while and getting together in a relaxed environment are numerous – better working relationships, higher morale and increased productivity to name just a few. However, the number one reason many of our clients find it difficult to make this happen is lack of time; there’s always things to be done and urgent tasks to attend to.

Therefore, today’s edition of Easy Office-Based Team Building Ideas looks at how you can slot fun team building activities right into your lunch break. Spending lunchtime with colleagues can strengthen bonds immeasurably, and having an activity to focus on will break the ice and carry the benefits over into the afternoon.

Team Building in your Lunch Hour

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Easy Office-Based Team Building Ideas #9

Today’s Easy Office-Based Team Building Idea takes TV classic Would I Lie To You? and turns it into a simple yet effective icebreaker tool that is both fun and effective. You’ll learn unusual facts about one another, promoting team bonding, but you’ll also be in stitches as usually-reserved colleagues try to convince you that they were once Judo champions!

Easy Office Based Team Building Ideas - Would I Lie to You? Continue reading

Easy Office-Based Team Building Ideas #8

Here at CCC Events, we get a massive buzz from motivating corporate groups through our fabulous team building events. But when the event day is over, we still want to help out – which is why we love our series on Easy Office Based Team Building Ideas. They are the perfect solution for those of you looking for quick, budget friendly motivators that you can run yourselves, between your ‘official’ team building days.

This week, we are looking at Zoom, an illustrated book by Istvan Banyai, and how it can be utilised as a brilliant team building resource. Numerous corporate coaches use Zoom as a highly effective facilitation tool, but for a fraction of the cost it’s easy to do it yourself.


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Easy Office-Based Team Building Ideas #6

If you’re looking for budget-friendly team building ideas that are simple yet effective and that you can run from the comfort of your office, check out our series on Easy Office-Based Team Building Ideas. This week, we’re taking a look at how a simple deck of cards can be used in a range of icebreakers and team builds – pick and choose from our list, or tackle them all for a fun, motivational afternoon.


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Easy Office-Based Team Building Ideas #5

If your workplace is anything like ours, then you love yourselves a slice of cake. Birthdays, Fridays, national celebrations – in our eyes, they’re all the perfect excuse to swap our lunchtime sarnies for a bit of Victoria Sponge. This week’s Easy Office-Based Team Building Idea adds a competitive element to your average office tea party: behold, The Great Team Building Bake Off!

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Easy Office-Based Team Building Ideas #4

This week’s Easy Office-Based Team Building Idea takes a classic family game that everyone is familiar with and turns it into the perfect brainstorming or icebreaker tool – whether you are a new team, or just want to get to know each other better.

Conversation Jenga

Conversation Jenga

Credit: Shefinds.com

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Easy Office-Based Team Building Ideas #3

This week’s Easy Office-Based Team Building Idea is inspired by The Farnsworth Family, who used it to build friendships and unity within a local youth group – but we reckon it would work brilliantly as a motivation-booster at work, too.

Positive Adjectives

Credit: Farnsworth Family Blog

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