Easy Office-Based Team Building Ideas #12 – Christmas Edition!

With only a few weeks to go until Santa comes, we’re rounding up our favourite Christmas-themed Easy Office-Based Team Building Ideas to get you in the festive spirit and carry your team through the last few weeks of the year.

Easy Office Based Teams Building Ideas Christmas Edition

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Team Building Events: Indoor Events

With a huge range of team building events out there, it can be difficult to decide which one is right for you. To help you narrow down the search, we have divided the best events into categories, and will profile a different one each week, complete with tips on what might be best for your team. Today, we’re looking at indoor events – the perfect way to get the most out of your team building event without leaving the comfort of the conference room!

Indoor Team Building Events

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Easy Office-Based Team Building Ideas #11

Last time on Easy Office-Based Team Building Ideas, we looked at fitting your team building into packed schedules by utilising your lunch hour. But there’s another way to strengthen bonds and boost motivation without taking up masses of precious work time, by using a technique we call the Long-Term Team Build.

The Long Term Team Build

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Easy Office-Based Team Building Ideas #10

At CCC Events, we’re big advocates of the benefits of regularly coming together as a team away from the stresses of everyday working life. The advantages of taking off your ‘work hats’ for a while and getting together in a relaxed environment are numerous – better working relationships, higher morale and increased productivity to name just a few. However, the number one reason many of our clients find it difficult to make this happen is lack of time; there’s always things to be done and urgent tasks to attend to.

Therefore, today’s edition of Easy Office-Based Team Building Ideas looks at how you can slot fun team building activities right into your lunch break. Spending lunchtime with colleagues can strengthen bonds immeasurably, and having an activity to focus on will break the ice and carry the benefits over into the afternoon.

Team Building in your Lunch Hour

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Easy Office-Based Team Building Ideas #9

Today’s Easy Office-Based Team Building Idea takes TV classic Would I Lie To You? and turns it into a simple yet effective icebreaker tool that is both fun and effective. You’ll learn unusual facts about one another, promoting team bonding, but you’ll also be in stitches as usually-reserved colleagues try to convince you that they were once Judo champions!

Easy Office Based Team Building Ideas - Would I Lie to You? Continue reading

Team Building Venues: The Grand, Brighton

As you may have gathered from our Venue Profile series, we’re pretty passionate about great venues here at CCC HQ. We love to keep up-to-date on all the best places to hold our team building events, wherever in the UK they may be, so that we can best advise our clients through our free venue-finding service. So when we received an email from the lovely folks at De Vere, titled simply ‘The Grand Dame Rises’, a prickle of excitement ran through us as we knew it could only mean one thing: the jewel in our home town’s crown is back to her former glory.

The Grand, Brighton

The Grand

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Easy Office-Based Team Building Ideas #8

Here at CCC Events, we get a massive buzz from motivating corporate groups through our fabulous team building events. But when the event day is over, we still want to help out – which is why we love our series on Easy Office Based Team Building Ideas. They are the perfect solution for those of you looking for quick, budget friendly motivators that you can run yourselves, between your ‘official’ team building days.

This week, we are looking at Zoom, an illustrated book by Istvan Banyai, and how it can be utilised as a brilliant team building resource. Numerous corporate coaches use Zoom as a highly effective facilitation tool, but for a fraction of the cost it’s easy to do it yourself.


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Team Motivation: Art for your Office #6

The latest in our series on team motivation reminds us that the application of every member is integral to achieving our goals as a team. If it’s been a while since your last team building event and your team is lacking inspiration, the words of Vince Lombardi are sure to inspire.

Team Motivation

Click here for a free, printable version of this poster.

Need a bigger boost? Give yourselves something to look forward to by planning your summer team building now! Visit our website or call 0845 006 06 06 for a chat.

Team Building Venues: Edinburgh Castle, Edinburgh

If your company organises a lot of corporate events, one conferencing venue can begin to look much like another after a while. But if you’re after something a little bit different, somewhere that will impress your clients and make your team feel really valued, then read on! CCC Events has a huge wealth of experience when it comes to the perfect venue, as we’ve been producing events all over the UK and in Europe for over twenty years. Here on our blog we profile some of our favourites, and today we’re looking at the dramatic and imposing Edinburgh Castle – the perfect venue for a grand, high-impact corporate event.

Edinburgh Castle, Scotland

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