Easy Office-Based Team Building Ideas #8

Here at CCC Events, we get a massive buzz from motivating corporate groups through our fabulous team building events. But when the event day is over, we still want to help out – which is why we love our series on Easy Office Based Team Building Ideas. They are the perfect solution for those of you looking for quick, budget friendly motivators that you can run yourselves, between your ‘official’ team building days.

This week, we are looking at Zoom, an illustrated book by Istvan Banyai, and how it can be utilised as a brilliant team building resource. Numerous corporate coaches use Zoom as a highly effective facilitation tool, but for a fraction of the cost it’s easy to do it yourself.


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Team Motivation: Art for your Office #6

The latest in our series on team motivation reminds us that the application of every member is integral to achieving our goals as a team. If it’s been a while since your last team building event and your team is lacking inspiration, the words of Vince Lombardi are sure to inspire.

Team Motivation

Click here for a free, printable version of this poster.

Need a bigger boost? Give yourselves something to look forward to by planning your summer team building now! Visit our website or call 0845 006 06 06 for a chat.

Team Building Venues: Edinburgh Castle, Edinburgh

If your company organises a lot of corporate events, one conferencing venue can begin to look much like another after a while. But if you’re after something a little bit different, somewhere that will impress your clients and make your team feel really valued, then read on! CCC Events has a huge wealth of experience when it comes to the perfect venue, as we’ve been producing events all over the UK and in Europe for over twenty years. Here on our blog we profile some of our favourites, and today we’re looking at the dramatic and imposing Edinburgh Castle – the perfect venue for a grand, high-impact corporate event.

Edinburgh Castle, Scotland

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Team Motivation: Art for Your Office #5

This week’s motivational poster is a reminder that when times get tough, the best teams pull together and tackle the problem as a group. It can be easy to lose sight of the importance of a strong team sometimes – remind yourselves by printing our poster here and sticking it up in your office. You can also check out the rest of this series here.

“Tough times don’t last – tough teams do”

If you want to boost motivation further, check out our range of team building events or call 0845 006 06 06 to have a chat about the many team building options available with CCC.