Team Building Venues: Horwood House, Buckinghamshire

As part of our day to day job we travel all around the country and see a lot of beautiful venues. They might be in city centres, by motorway junctions or in the middle of the countryside, but they each have something that marks them out from the others.

In this new series of posts we want to take a look at some of our favourites – venues that due to location, history, staff, facilities, grounds, décor or something entirely different are the best of the best.

First up…

Horwood House, Buckinghamshire

The delightful Horwood House hotel
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The Guernica of the Team Building World!

An enquiry comes in from one of our top clients to provide a creative team build for a group of 150 in a meeting room in Northampton which accentuates the need for communication, dedication and the whole group working towards one spectacular achievement. “OK, leave it to us!” we said. This will require creating a painting so big only Picasso could rival it we thought!

Pablo Picasso was one of the World’s greatest painters, and one of the most influential artists of the 20th century, with some of his most famous works including Les Demoiselles d’Avignon and Guernica. But these paintings are not only an outstanding expression of his thoughts, they are on a particularly grand scale! Les Demoiselles d’Avignon, which portrays five nude prostitutes from a brothel in Barcelona, stands 244cm tall and 233cm wide and is considered to be central to the development of cubism and modern art.

Les Demoiselles d'Avignon

Picasso’s ‘Les Demoiselles d’Avignon’

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Team Building at Cannizaro House, Wimbledon

Last week Event Managers Kate and Kye ran an epic Monte Carlo or Bust team build at the gorgeous Cannizaro House in Wimbledon.

Teams went head-to-head in the race to design, build and race life-sized concept cars, letting their imaginations run riot and their inner F1 drivers come to life!

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Happy 5th Birthday Ann!

CCC HQ is abuzz with excitement as we celebrate the lovely Ann, who has been running our Venue Department for five years today!

Ann does a fantastic job of sourcing venues which meet all of our clients’ needs – her hard work over the past five years has built up an extensive database of venues all over the UK, meaning that she can find and book the perfect location for any event, no matter the group size or budget – all at no extra cost to our clients.

More than that though, she is a fabulous lady to work with – Annie brightens everybody’s day, and always has the office in stitches.

We’ll be spending the day spoiling Lady Ann, kicking off with some goodies this morning!

As is our style, some of us couldn’t wait for the photo to be taken before having a slice of cake…

So Happy CCC Birthday Annie, and a big thank you from all of us for the past five years!

Going for Gold: Team Building in London

After an amazing fortnight in London, we’ve all been suffering from withdrawal symptoms and eagerly awaiting the Paralympics. Luckily, we needn’t have felt so blue – only a few days after the closing ceremony, CCC Events was running its own 2012 -themed day in London!

Teams try to avoid a soaking in the 4x400ml relay

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Activity Day – Team Building in Devon

Last week we headed to the seaside for an Activity Day at the fabulous Langstone Cliff Hotel. Our clients got to grips with Archery, Rage Buggies, Laser Clay Pigeon Shooting and Geese Herding, with magnificent sea views as a backdrop.

Starting off with Archery, CCC staff were extremely impressed with the skills of everyone involved – including one sharp shooter, who managed to split his first arrow with his second!

Our Archery specialist coaches a rookie

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Easy Office-Based Team Building Ideas – #1

Here at CCC Events we understand that it’s not always possible to get your whole team out of the office for an ‘official’ Team Build as often as you’d like. That’s why we’re proud to introduce our new blog series, Easy Office-Based Team Building Ideas! Whether it’s your first foray into the world of team building, or you are looking for something to tide you over until your next away day, we’ll be posting a series of small team builds that you can run yourselves, from your office, with minimum planning or fuss.

Easy Office Based Team Building Ideas

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Sun, Sea and Sand for CCC at Yellow Wave Cafe

The CCC team are still finding sand in all sorts of places today after a fantastic day spent team building at the superb Yellow Wave Cafe in Brighton.

CCC Team Building at Yellow Wave Cafe

The team are given some tips on their techniques – not that it helped!

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Team Building On the High Seas – Near Brighton, East Sussex

If you’re stuck for ideas for a way to enliven your team’s conference this year, why not think about a trip out in a yacht!

Teams set sail from Brighton Marina

Farewell Brighton – next stop, France!

Such was the thinking for the team from Danone recently, and we arranged for them to take to two yachts and sea what all the fuss is about. Continue reading