Two days of Team Building at Pendell House

The CCC Events team set off for a two day extravaganza of fun team building activities in Surrey at a privately hired estate. As a flexible team building company not only do we offer a free venue finding service for our clients, but we can adapt and fit in with privately hired grounds and manor houses. Pendell House in Bletchingly was a prime example of one of these events.

CCC Events visit Bletchingly

CCC run a weekend of team building at Pendell House, Surrey

As we drive up the long and winding gravel driveway we are greeted by a smart team of service staff in their crisp shirts and bow ties. The house is breathtaking! Pendell House is something special: a Grade I listed country house designed by the architect Inigo Jones.

Friday night after the clients finish their sumptuous 3 course supper with champagne we led them to the lounge, where we had set up The Ultimate Quiz Show. Our compere for the evening, and one of our most experienced actors, Terry Bird, led them through musical, TV and general knowledge rounds using interactive voting technology from the comfort of their sofas!

Terry Bird

Compere Terry keeps the clients amused for the evening!

After the winner is announced the clients retired to their rooms to save their energy for the next day’s challenges. The company had chosen countries and have requested to run their own 2012 Games in teams out on the back lawn!

France, Brazil, Japan and Jamaica are now set to compete in a series of outdoor fun games – playing for Gold Medals! The teams had a fantastic time, despite the drizzle, grabbed their rain macs and fought to the bitter end! And the winner was France…although sabotage and foul play was suspected by the competing countries!  Overall, a successful two days of team building in Surrey and another happy client.

For more information on free venue finding, or team building events in Surrey please call 08450 06 06 06 or visit our website.

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