Back to School: Team Building at Down Hall, Hertfordshire

Last week our clients were taken Back to School  for a fun-packed trip down memory lane at the beautiful Down Hall Hotel in Hertfordshire.  After sitting assembly with our terrifying Headmaster, the group was split into ‘classes’ and embarked on a school day with a difference – breaking plenty of rules and avoiding their teachers at all costs!

Headmaster leads classes through their morning hymn

Much more fun than you remember from your former years, our Back to School event is all your favourite lessons with a twist – think decorating cakes whilst blindfolded for Home Economics, giant footballs for Sports Day and hilarious renditions of your favourite songs in Music.

Event Manager Steve Scott had this to say about the day:

“It’s always amazing how quickly the teams regress to schoolchildren and start acting up! Everyone spends the day in stitches, but not only is this event masses of fun, it strengthens bonds and encourages teamwork in a situation everyone can relate to.”

Fancy going Back to School for your team building event this summer? Visit our website or call 0845 006 06 06 to speak to one of our amazing sales team.

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