Two days of Team Building at Pendell House

The CCC Events team set off for a two day extravaganza of fun team building activities in Surrey at a privately hired estate. As a flexible team building company not only do we offer a free venue finding service for our clients, but we can adapt and fit in with privately hired grounds and manor houses. Pendell House in Bletchingly was a prime example of one of these events.

CCC Events visit Bletchingly

CCC run a weekend of team building at Pendell House, Surrey

As we drive up the long and winding gravel driveway we are greeted by a smart team of service staff in their crisp shirts and bow ties. The house is breathtaking! Pendell House is something special: a Grade I listed country house designed by the architect Inigo Jones.

Friday night after the clients finish their sumptuous 3 course supper with champagne we led them to the lounge, where we had set up The Ultimate Quiz Show. Our compere for the evening, and one of our most experienced actors, Terry Bird, led them through musical, TV and general knowledge rounds using interactive voting technology from the comfort of their sofas!

Terry Bird

Compere Terry keeps the clients amused for the evening!

After the winner is announced the clients retired to their rooms to save their energy for the next day’s challenges. The company had chosen countries and have requested to run their own 2012 Games in teams out on the back lawn!

France, Brazil, Japan and Jamaica are now set to compete in a series of outdoor fun games – playing for Gold Medals! The teams had a fantastic time, despite the drizzle, grabbed their rain macs and fought to the bitter end! And the winner was France…although sabotage and foul play was suspected by the competing countries!  Overall, a successful two days of team building in Surrey and another happy client.

For more information on free venue finding, or team building events in Surrey please call 08450 06 06 06 or visit our website.

CCC Joins Compton Hospice Fundraising Day in Wolverhampton

Team CCC recently had a great day working for the fantastic Compton Hospice Charity, in West Park Wolverhampton, where they were trying to raise money and awareness for the hospice by putting on a family fun day. It’s just the kind of thing that the Team Building Company of the Year like to do with their weekends…

CCC Events Charity Fun Day

Room with a view – the Funday as seen from the top of the climbing tower

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Back to School: Team Building at Down Hall, Hertfordshire

Last week our clients were taken Back to School  for a fun-packed trip down memory lane at the beautiful Down Hall Hotel in Hertfordshire.  After sitting assembly with our terrifying Headmaster, the group was split into ‘classes’ and embarked on a school day with a difference – breaking plenty of rules and avoiding their teachers at all costs!

Headmaster leads classes through their morning hymn

Much more fun than you remember from your former years, our Back to School event is all your favourite lessons with a twist – think decorating cakes whilst blindfolded for Home Economics, giant footballs for Sports Day and hilarious renditions of your favourite songs in Music.

Event Manager Steve Scott had this to say about the day:

“It’s always amazing how quickly the teams regress to schoolchildren and start acting up! Everyone spends the day in stitches, but not only is this event masses of fun, it strengthens bonds and encourages teamwork in a situation everyone can relate to.”

Fancy going Back to School for your team building event this summer? Visit our website or call 0845 006 06 06 to speak to one of our amazing sales team.

What a Work of Art!

As Event Managers at CCC Events we’re trained to run a broad range of team building days from Treasure Hunts, Murder Mysteries  and outdoor activities, to Chocolate Workshops and cooking master classes. The events are fantastic fun and designed to get colleagues working well together, communicating and competing for a winning prize! However one of our most popular events, the Work of Art, not only gets the delegates to work wonderfully in their teams, but the whole group is working towards the same goal, to produce a huge and colourful multi canvass masterpiece!

Kate Packham infront of the masterpiece

Creative Team Building in London, at it’s best!

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Just 18 days to go until London 2012!

I can’t believe it’s only 18 days until our capital hosts the worlds most prestigious sporting event in history, the Olympics. We’ve had years of build up, planning, controversial ticket sales and what seems like an eternity of talk of the torch relay, and now it’s only two and half weeks away!

As an award winning team building company we are used to encouraging competitive activities and games, but this is particularly exciting for us as we were lucky enough to run a team building session for our very own Team GB Diving Team in Palma, Majorca last month! The team, their families, coaches and sponsors at British Gas were split into 5 teams and competed in one of our most popular activities, The Enigma Challenge.  The event is a fun and frantic race against the clock to complete as many challenges as possible with the kit provided, tailored especially for the diving team and their needs. This was not the first time we’ve run an event for the Olympics, but one in a series of team building days for LOCOG, The British Swimming team, and the British Paralympic Swimming team.

Enigma Challenge Gold Medals

Gold Medals for Pete Waterfield and his team

This light hearted fight for the Gold Medals is not quite as intense as what we expect in the 2012 games, but at the end of the excitement there could only be one winning team and that was Pete Waterfield’s, just beating his diving partner Tom Daley by a few points!

Pete Waterfield and his team

The Enigma Challenge winners showing off their Gold Medals!

British Swimming Sponsorship Manager, Jenny Forbes, said:

“The Enigma Challenge was a fantastic event, with a great mix of challenge types, which brought all members of the diving team together. We will definitely be working with CCC Events in the future!”

As far as team building events go, this has got to go down as one of my favourite events ever. I wasn’t lucky enough to get tickets to see the diving in London 2012, but I’ll definitely be following their progress on the TV. What an absolutely lovely bunch of people. An absolute pleasure to work with. Good luck to Team GB and lets hope we see some more Gold Medals in the weeks to come. GOOD LUCK TEAM GB!!!!

Diving superstars

British diving partners Sarah Barrow, Tonia Couch, Pete Waterfield and Tom Daley

GB Diving Team

The divers, coaches and their families gather round the pool after their Enigma Challenge event in Palma

For more information on award winning team building events like The Enigma Challenge call CCC Events on 08450 06 06 06 or visit our website